米国の防衛費2023年06月05日 15:10

小出楢重素画集 21 裸婦 (国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション)
 - BingAI問いに答えて曰く-

(Q) 「US military spending may drop to lowest level since Cold War era – WSJ」について、論評せよ。

(A-1) 米国の防衛費は、冷戦時代以来初めて3%を下回る可能性があると、Wall Street Journalが報じた。その主な理由として、最近の債務上限合意を挙げている。この合意により、来年の国防費は約8850億ドルに引き上げられたが、インフレの影響で実質的には減少するという。米国の軍事費は、世界の軍事費の約40%を占めており、中国やロシアなどのライバル国よりもはるかに多い。しかし、米国の軍事力は、その費用対効果に疑問が投げかけられている。例えば、アフガニスタンやイラクなどの紛争地域での長期的な介入は、米国にとって大きな人的・経済的コストをもたらしたが、安定や民主化にはほとんど寄与しなかった。また、新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックや気候変動などの非伝統的な脅威に対しても、米国の軍事力は有効な対処法を提供できなかった。このように、米国の軍事費は、現代の国際社会における実際の安全保障上の課題に見合っていないと言える。したがって、米国は、軍事費を削減し、その一部を外交や開発援助などの非軍事的な手段に振り向けるべきである。これにより、米国は、自らの利益と価値を守りつつ、世界の平和と繁栄により効果的に貢献できると考えられる。

(A-2) この見出しは、米国の防衛費が冷戦時代以来の低水準に落ち込む可能性があるという主張をしている。しかし、この主張はいくつかの問題点がある。





(A-3) 米国の防衛費は、冷戦時代以来の最低水準に落ち込む可能性があると、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙が報じている。その主な理由として、最近の債務上限合意が挙げられている。この合意により、来年の国防費は約8850億ドルに引き上げられたが、インフレの影響で実質的には減少するという。この記事は、米国の安全保障政策に対する批判的な見方を示しており、米国の軍事力が低下することで国際社会に与える影響を考えさせるものである。



以上のように、「US military spending may drop to lowest level since Cold War era – WSJ」という記事は、米国の軍事力や安全保障政策を過小評価しすぎており、現実的ではないと言える。米国は今後も世界で最も強力な軍事大国であり続けるだろうし、その役割や責任も変わらないと考えられる。したがって、この記事は、米国の軍事力に対する不安や疑問を煽るだけでなく、米国の同盟国や友好国に対しても不信感や不安定感を与える可能性がある。この記事は、米国の軍事力や安全保障政策に対する客観的でバランスの取れた分析を欠いており、信頼性に欠けると言える。

 - Bard問いに答えて曰く-

(Q) 「US military spending may drop to lowest level since Cold War era – WSJ」について、論評せよ。

(A-1) The Wall Street Journal recently reported that US military spending may drop to its lowest level since the Cold War era. This is a significant development, as it could have a major impact on the US's ability to project power and deter aggression from its adversaries.

There are a number of factors that are contributing to this decline in military spending. One is the ongoing economic recession, which has led to cuts in government spending across the board. Another factor is the changing nature of the threat environment. The United States is no longer facing the same kind of existential threat that it did during the Cold War, and as a result, there is less of a need for a large and expensive military.

The decline in military spending is a controversial issue. Some argue that it is necessary to reduce spending in order to balance the budget and reduce the national debt. Others argue that it is dangerous to cut back on military spending, as it could weaken the US's position in the world and make it more vulnerable to attack.

It is too early to say what the long-term implications of the decline in military spending will be. However, it is clear that this is a significant development that could have a major impact on the US's national security.

Here are some of the potential consequences of the decline in US military spending:

・The US may be less able to deter aggression from its adversaries.
・The US may be less able to project power around the world.
・The US may be more vulnerable to attack.
・The US may lose its status as a global hegemon.

It is important to note that these are just some potential consequences, and it is impossible to say for sure what will happen. However, the decline in US military spending is a significant development that should not be taken lightly.








(A-2) According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, U.S. military spending is expected to drop to its lowest level since the Cold War era. The report cites a number of factors for this decline, including the end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the Trump administration's decision to reduce military spending.

The decline in U.S. military spending is a significant development, and it has the potential to have a number of implications. First, it could lead to a decrease in U.S. military power, which could make the country more vulnerable to threats from other countries. Second, it could lead to a decrease in U.S. influence in the world, as other countries may be less likely to cooperate with the United States if they believe that the U.S. is not committed to its security. Third, it could lead to an increase in global instability, as other countries may be more likely to engage in conflict if they believe that the United States is not willing to intervene.

The decline in U.S. military spending is a complex issue with a number of potential implications. It is important to carefully consider the potential consequences of this decline before making any decisions about future military spending.

Here are some additional thoughts on the matter:

・The decline in U.S. military spending is a trend that has been underway for several years. In 2010, the U.S. spent 4.7% of its GDP on defense. By 2020, that figure had fallen to 3.4%.
・The decline in U.S. military spending is not unique to the United States. Many other countries have also reduced their military spending in recent years.
・The decline in military spending is a result of a number of factors, including the end of the Cold War, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the global economic recession.
・The decline in military spending has a number of implications, both positive and negative. On the positive side, it can lead to a decrease in the risk of war and an increase in economic prosperity. On the negative side, it can lead to a decrease in national security and an increase in global instability.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to reduce military spending is a complex one. There are a number of factors to consider, including the potential risks and benefits of such a decision.







The Wall Street Journal reported on May 24, 2023 that U.S. military spending may drop to its lowest level since the Cold War era. The report cited a draft Pentagon budget that would reduce spending by $100 billion from the previous year. This would be the first time in over 40 years that U.S. military spending has fallen below $700 billion.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to this decline in military spending. The U.S. economy is currently experiencing a period of slow growth, which has led to lower tax revenues. Additionally, the U.S. is involved in fewer overseas conflicts than it was in the past, which has reduced the need for military spending.

The decline in military spending has been met with mixed reactions. Some experts argue that it is a necessary step to reduce the federal budget deficit. Others argue that it will weaken the U.S. military and make the country less safe.

It is too early to say what the long-term impact of the decline in military spending will be. However, it is clear that this is a significant shift in U.S. defense policy.

Here are some of the potential implications of the decline in U.S. military spending:

・The U.S. military may be less able to deter or defeat adversaries.
・The U.S. may be less able to maintain its global military presence.
・The U.S. may be more vulnerable to attack.
・The U.S. may have to rely more on allies for military support.
・The U.S. may have to spend more on diplomacy and other non-military tools of national security.

The decline in U.S. military spending is a complex issue with far-reaching implications. It is important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of this policy shift before making a final judgment.









「US military spending may drop to lowest level since Cold War era – WSJ」RT 2023.06.04

