中国とラテンアメリカ・カリブ海域の関与2023年06月29日 09:33

応挙名画譜 (国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション)
 - ChatGTP問いに答えて曰く-

(Q) 「China’s Engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean」について解説せよ。

(A) 中国とラテンアメリカ・カリブ海域の関与







American Enterprise InstituteのChina Global Investment Trackerによると、中国の企業は2005年から2022年の間にLAC諸国への投資額が1489億ドルに達し、そのうちブラジルが660億ドル(44%)、ペルが255億ドル(17%)を占めています。エネルギープロジェクトが投資の62%を占め、金属鉱業が21%を占めています。同じ期間における中国のLACにおける建設プロジェクトの総額は686億ドルで、主にエネルギー(50%)および交通(30%)セクターに投資されています。

図1. 中国:LACへの融資、2005年-2022年
出典:CRSによる作成、Kevin P. GallagherおよびMargaret Myers、「China-Latin America Finance Database」、Inter-American Dialogue、2023年、

中国の国有政策銀行(中国開発銀行と中国輸出入銀行)は過去20年間にLAC地域への多くの融資を行ってきました(図1を参照)。Inter-American Dialogueによると、2005年から2022年までにLAC諸国は累計で1,365億ドルを中国から借り入れており、そのうちエネルギー(66%)とインフラ(19%)セクターにほとんどが投じられています。これらの融資には、一般的な国際金融機関と関連付けられる政策条件や環境保護策が欠如しており、寛容的な条件と商業条件が混在しており、厳格な機密保持条項が含まれています。ただし、近年はLAC地域のPRCへの融資需要の低下、PRCが融資に使用する外貨準備の管理方法の変化、PRCの貸し手のリスク回避の増加などの要因により、融資は減少しています。









戦略的な競争: 米国の国防承認法には、中国とロシアがLACで影響力を増すために行っている活動、米国の利益と国家安全保障に重要な中国の港湾インフラの購入と投資、中国による世界的な港湾インフラの資金提供に関する報告が求められています。また、117議会で提出されたアメリカCOMPETES法案には、LACにおける米国の経済競争力を強化し、良い統治と貿易関係を促進するための措置が含まれています。

違法な薬物取引と治安の問題: 米国とLACの関係では、違法な薬物取引と治安の問題も重要な懸念事項です。中国の関与が違法なフェンタニルの供給につながっているという疑いがあり、それに対処するためには国際的な協力と対策が必要です。

人権と民主主義の促進: LACの一部の国では、中国の支援によって人権問題や民主主義の値を侵害する動きが進んでいるとの懸念があります。議会は、人権と民主主義の促進を支持する措置やプログラムを通じて、LACの国々が自由で公正な社会を築くための支援を行うことが求められています。

経済的なチャンスの拡大: LACは経済成長と投資機会の地域としての潜在能力を持っています。米国議会は、LAC諸国との貿易促進や投資の促進、ビジネス環境の改善に向けた措置を検討し、経済的なチャンスの拡大を図ることが求められています。


 - Bard問いに答えて曰く-

(Q) 「China’s Engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean」について解説せよ。

(A-1) This report discusses China's engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It covers the following topics:

・Diplomacy: China has been increasing its diplomatic engagement with LAC, including through the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).
・Economic relations: China has become a major trading partner for many LAC countries, and has invested heavily in the region's infrastructure.
・U.S. policy concerns: The Biden Administration has expressed concerns about China's activities in LAC, including its investment in critical infrastructure and its support for authoritarian leaders.
・Illicit fentanyl: Some Members of Congress have expressed concern about China's role in the production of illicit fentanyl.
・Issues for Congress: Congress may face a number of issues related to China's engagement with LAC, including strategic competition, economic relations, and illicit fentanyl.
The report concludes by discussing some of the potential implications of China's engagement with LAC for U.S. interests.

Here are some additional points that are worth noting:

・China's engagement with LAC is part of a broader effort to expand its global influence.
・China's economic engagement with LAC has had both positive and negative effects.
・The U.S. and China have different views on China's engagement with LAC.
・The future of China's engagement with LAC is uncertain.

It discusses possible actions Congress could take in response to China's growing involvement in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

The report also discusses two key areas in which Congress could take action: strategic competition and economic prosperity.

In terms of strategic competition, Congress may seek to strengthen U.S. economic competitiveness and promote good governance, human rights, and the rule of law in LAC. This could include requiring a strategy to achieve these goals, as well as requiring reports on the PRC's engagement in regional organizations and the defense sector in LAC. Congress may also support U.S. defense cooperation in LAC.

In terms of economic prosperity, Congress may seek to reduce the region's reliance on China by designing a positive agenda to promote economic prosperity in the hemisphere. This could include providing incentives for companies to move operations from the PRC to LAC, as well as supporting a general capital increase for the Inter-American Development Bank.

The passage concludes by noting that these are just some of the potential actions that Congress may take. The specific actions that Congress takes will likely depend on the evolving situation in LAC and the broader U.S.-China relationship.

Here are some additional thoughts on the passage:

The report highlights the importance of Congress's role in shaping U.S. policy towards LAC. Congress has the power to pass legislation, provide funding, and oversee the implementation of U.S. policy.
The report also highlights the importance of cooperation between Congress and the executive branch. In order to be effective, U.S. policy towards LAC must be coordinated between Congress and the executive branch.
The report concludes by noting that the situation in LAC is complex and constantly evolving. This means that U.S. policy towards LAC must be flexible and adaptable.












(A-2) China's engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean has grown substantially over the past 20 years. This engagement is primarily economic and diplomatic, but it has also raised concerns in the United States about China's growing influence in the region.

China's economic engagement with LAC has been driven by its desire to secure access to raw materials, foster markets for its goods and services, and partner with LAC firms to access and jointly develop technology. China has also invested heavily in infrastructure projects in the region, including ports, roads, and railways.

China's diplomatic engagement with LAC has been aimed at institutionalizing its presence in the region, garnering support in international fora, and isolating Taiwan. China has become an observer at the Organization of American States, a member of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank, and a participant in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. China has also sought to engage with the region through the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), a region-wide organization that excludes the United States and Canada.

The United States has expressed concerns about China's growing influence in LAC, particularly its economic engagement and its support for authoritarian governments. The Biden Administration has sought to reinvigorate U.S.-LAC ties in response to China's growing engagement in the region.

Some of the issues that Congress may face in the coming years include:

・How to respond to China's economic engagement in LAC
・How to promote democratic values and human rights in LAC
・How to counter China's influence in LAC

The United States and China are increasingly competing for influence in Latin America and the Caribbean. This competition is likely to continue in the years to come, and it will have important implications for the region's future.

The report you provided discusses two of the issues that Congress may face in the coming years as it seeks to address the challenges posed by China's engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC): strategic competition and economic prosperity.

Strategic Competition

The report notes that Congress may seek to strengthen U.S. economic competitiveness and promote good governance, human rights, and the rule of law in LAC. This could be done through a variety of means, such as by providing financial assistance to LAC countries to help them develop their own industries, or by working with LAC countries to strengthen their democratic institutions.

Congress may also seek to assess the PRC's engagement in regional organizations and the defense sector in LAC. This could help Congress to better understand the PRC's intentions in the region and to develop strategies to counter any potential threats.

Economic Prosperity

The report also notes that Congress may seek to reduce the region's reliance on China by designing a positive agenda to promote economic prosperity in the hemisphere. This could be done through a variety of means, such as by providing incentives for companies to move operations from the PRC to LAC, or by supporting a general capital increase for the Inter-American Development Bank.

The report concludes by noting that these are just some of the issues that Congress may face in the coming years. The challenges posed by China's engagement with LAC are complex and multifaceted, and Congress will need to carefully consider its options in order to develop effective strategies to address them.

In addition to the two issues discussed in the report, Congress may also face other challenges, such as the potential for China to export its authoritarian model to the region, or the potential for China to use its economic influence to gain political advantage in LAC. Congress will need to be vigilant in monitoring these challenges and developing strategies to address them.
















(A-3) The report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) on China's engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The report discusses China's economic and diplomatic activities in the region, as well as U.S. policy concerns.

The report notes that China's economic engagement with LAC has grown substantially over the past 20 years. China is now the largest trading partner of several LAC countries, and it has invested heavily in infrastructure and other projects in the region.

The report also discusses China's diplomatic activities in LAC. China has sought to increase its influence in the region through its participation in regional organizations, such as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). China has also tried to isolate Taiwan by encouraging LAC countries to switch their diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China.

The report notes that U.S. policymakers are concerned about the implications of China's growing engagement with LAC. Some U.S. officials worry that China is trying to use its economic and diplomatic influence to gain a strategic advantage over the United States in the region.

The report concludes by discussing some of the issues that Congress may face in the coming years as it seeks to address the challenges posed by China's engagement with LAC. These issues include strategic competition with China, the potential for China to use its economic influence to gain political advantage in LAC, and the potential for China to export its authoritarian model to the region.

The report is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand the complex dynamics of China's engagement with LAC. It provides a comprehensive overview of China's economic and diplomatic activities in the region, as well as U.S. policy concerns. The report also discusses some of the challenges that Congress may face in the coming years as it seeks to address the challenges posed by China's engagement with LAC.

The report discusses two of the issues that Congress may face in the coming years as it seeks to address the challenges posed by China's engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC): strategic competition and economic prosperity.

Strategic Competition

The report notes that Congress may seek to strengthen U.S. economic competitiveness and promote good governance, human rights, and the rule of law in LAC. This could involve requiring a strategy to promote these goals, assessing the PRC's engagement in regional organizations and the defense sector in LAC, and supporting U.S. defense cooperation in LAC.

Economic Prosperity

The report also notes that Congress may seek to reduce the region's reliance on China by designing a positive agenda to promote economic prosperity in the hemisphere. This could involve providing incentives for companies to move operations from the PRC to LAC, supporting a general capital increase for the Inter-American Development Bank, and other measures.

It is important to note that these are just some of the issues that Congress may face. The specific challenges that Congress will need to address will depend on how China's engagement with LAC evolves in the coming years.

Here are some additional thoughts on the report:

・The report highlights the importance of cooperation between Congress and the executive branch in addressing the challenges posed by China's engagement with LAC.
・The report also highlights the importance of considering the interests of LAC countries when developing U.S. policy in the region.
・The report suggests that Congress may need to take a more proactive role in addressing the challenges posed by China's engagement with LAC.

















「China’s Engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean」 Congressional Research Service Updated June 23, 2023

