『大東亞戰爭』と呼稱2023年01月06日 23:20

大東亞戰爭記錄畫報 前篇
 『大東亞戰爭記錄畫報 前篇』

 『大東亞戰爭』と呼稱      2023.01.06


 Called “Greater East Asia War”

 Nippon's present war against the United States and the British Empire, inclusive of the China Emergency,will henceforth be called:Greater East Asia War。
 The rleason for adopting the name is that the present war is aimed at the estab1ishment of the New Order in the region of Greater East Asia.But the name should not bc interpreted as signifying that the area of the war will be restrictd to Greater East Asia.


『大東亞戰爭記錄畫報 前篇』島屋政一 編輯兼發行人 昭和四十八年六月二十日發行 大坂出版社
